52 politicians,
4 suits,
2 jokers,
... and a whole lot of facts.

Return to the Ace of Betrayers

March 5th Primary Challengers

Jack Reynolds (R) (GAWTP endorsed)

Approved Legislation that Buys into the Notion of "Carbon Credits"

HB 4018
"Relating to the use of Parks and Wildlife Department land for carbon sequestration or similar ecosystem services projects."

"H.B. 4018 provides that Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) can work with private entities to generate carbon credits..."

View Detail from Bill Analysis

We are carbon-based life forms, as are plants. The entire notion that less than half percent of the atmosphere is somehow a threat to life is ridiculous and being used by the those in power to control our lives. Let's not play into that by entertaining Al Gore's desire for an economy that employs carbon credits.

View the Breakdown of Al Gore's Carbon Credit Scheme

Page 2: "To resolve the 'climate crisis,' Gore wants to put a cap on the production of greenhouse gases. He calls for an immediate freeze on U.S. emissions, a ban on new coal-fired power plants, tough new fuel economy and energy efficiency standards, renewable energy mandates, carbon taxes, and mandatory targets and timetables for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Those emissions consist mostly of carbon dioxide (CO2), the byproduct of fossil fuels, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, which supply 85% of all U.S. energy. Gore's blueprint to save the planet moves the United States towards a command economy in which government regulators hold sway over what kinds and amounts of energy will be made available to the private sector. His principal regulatory tool is what's called carbon credit trading."

Yeas 118 (R 59, D 59)
Nays 25 (R 25, D 0)
View in House Legislative Journal

Yea - Allen; Allison; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, C.; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Burns; Burrows; Button; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cortez; Craddick; Cunningham; Darby; Davis; Dean; DeAyala; Dutton; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gamez; Garcia; Gerdes; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Hernandez; Herrero; Holland; Howard; Hunter; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J. D.; Johnson, J. E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Kuempel; Lambert; Landgraf; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Moody; Morales Shaw; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morrison; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Oliverson; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Paul; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Smithee; Spiller; Stucky; Talarico; Tepper; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener

Nay - Bumgarner; Cain; Cook; Dorazio; Gates; Harris, C. E.; Harris, C. J.; Harrison; Hayes; Hefner; Hull; Isaac; Leach; Leo-Wilson; Noble; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Slaton; Slawson; Smith; Swanson; Tinderholt; Toth; Vasut

Please note: the following statements by legislators do not affect the vote count that was recorded.

Cain: "When Record No. 500 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote yes."

Gates: "When Record No. 500 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote yes."

Leach: "When Record No. 500 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote yes."

Metcalf: "When Record No. 500 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no."

Perez: "When Record No. 500 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I would have voted yes."

Vasut: "When Record No. 500 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote yes."

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