52 politicians,
4 suits,
2 jokers,
... and a whole lot of facts.

Voted YES on Impeachment of our Attorney General

HR 2377
"Impeaching Warren Kenneth Paxton, Attorney General of the State of Texas, and preferring articles of impeachment against him."

Yeas 121 (R 60, D 61)
Nays 23 (R 23, D 0)
View in House Legislative Journal

Yea - Allen; Allison; Anchía; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Bumgarner; Burns; Burrows; Button; Cain; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Darby; Davis; Dean; DeAyala; Flores; Frank; Frazier; Gamez; Garcia; Gates; Gerdes; Geren; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harris, C. J.; Hefner; Hernandez; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Hull; Hunter; Jetton; Johnson, A.; Johnson, J. D.; Johnson, J. E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Lalani; Lambert; Landgraf; Leach; Longoria; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; Metcalf; Meyer; Meza; Moody; Morales Shaw; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Muñoz; Murr; Neave Criado; Noble; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Patterson; Perez; Phelan; Plesa; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Shaheen; Sherman; Shine; Smith; Spiller; Stucky; Talarico; Tepper; Thimesch; Thompson, S.; Troxclair; Turner; VanDeaver; Vasut; Vo; Walle; Wilson; Wu; Zwiener

Nay - Anderson; Bell, C.; Clardy; Craddick; Cunningham; Dorazio; Harless; Harris, C. E.; Harrison; Isaac; Leo-Wilson; Morrison; Paul; Price; Schaefer; Schatzline; Schofield; Slawson; Smithee; Swanson; Thompson, E.; Tinderholt; Toth

Please note: the following statements by legislators do not affect the vote count that was recorded.

Cook: "When Record No. 2191 was taken, I was shown voting yes on all proposed articles of impeachment. I would have voted no on Articles XII, XIII, and XIV."

Herrero: "When Record No. 2191 was taken, I was absent because of important business in the district. I would have voted yes on all proposed articles of impeachment."

Thierry: "When Record No. 2191 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I intended to vote yes."

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