52 politicians,
4 suits,
2 jokers,
... and a whole lot of facts.

Return to the King of Donkeys

Wants Your Tax Dollars to Reimburse Sporting Events

SB 2325
"Relating to the eligibility of certain events for funding under the Major Events Reimbursement Program."

No matter how great sports can be, why do our tax dollars need to reimburse a part of the cost of the event? Especially now, during Bidenflation?

Yeas 102 (R 41, D 61)
Nays 38 (R 38, D 0)
View in House Legislative Journal

Yea - Allen; Allison; Anchía; Anderson; Ashby; Bailes; Bell, K.; Bernal; Bhojani; Bonnen; Bowers; Bryant; Buckley; Bucy; Burns; Burrows; Button; Campos; Canales; Capriglione; Clardy; Cole; Collier; Cook; Cortez; Darby; Davis; Dorazio; Dutton; Flores; Frazier; Gamez; Garcia; Gervin-Hawkins; Goldman; González, J.; González, M.; Goodwin; Guerra; Guillen; Harless; Hernandez; Hinojosa; Holland; Howard; Hunter; Jetton; Johnson, J. D.; Johnson, J. E.; Jones, J.; Jones, V.; Kacal; King, K.; King, T.; Lalani; Lambert; Leach; Lopez, J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano; Lujan; Manuel; Martinez; Martinez Fischer; Meyer; Meza; Moody; Morales Shaw; Morales, C.; Morales, E.; Morrison; Muñoz; Neave Criado; Ordaz; Orr; Ortega; Paul; Perez; Plesa; Price; Ramos; Raney; Raymond; Reynolds; Rogers; Romero; Rose; Rosenthal; Sherman; Smith; Smithee; Stucky; Talarico; Thierry; Thimesch; Thompson, E.; Thompson, S.; Turner; Vo; Walle; Wu; Zwiener

Nay - Bell, C.; Bumgarner; Cain; Craddick; Cunningham; Dean; DeAyala; Frank; Gates; Gerdes; Harris, C. E.; Harris, C. J.; Harrison; Hayes; Hefner; Hull; Isaac; Kitzman; Klick; Kuempel; Landgraf; Leo-Wilson; Metcalf; Noble; Oliverson; Schaefer; Schofield; Shaheen; Shine; Slawson; Swanson; Tepper; Tinderholt; Toth; Troxclair; VanDeaver; Vasut; Wilson

Please note: the following statements by legislators do not affect the vote count that was recorded.

C. Bell: "When Record No. 2003 was taken, I was shown voting no. I intended to vote yes."

Frazier: "When Record No. 2003 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no."

Jetton: "When Record No. 2003 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no."

K. Bell: "When Record No. 2003 was taken, I was shown voting yes. I intended to vote no."

Murr: "When Record No. 2003 was taken, I was excused because of a committee meeting. I would have voted no."

Schatzline: "When Record No. 2003 was taken, I was in the house but away from my desk. I would have voted no."

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